Military Checklists and Standards

Members can be identified for substance abuse by:

·    A unit commander can grant limited protection as long as the intent of the member is to seek treatment.
·    Limited protection is not given when:
§    A member has been apprehended for alcohol (DWI) or drug involvement.
§    A member has been placed under investigation for drug or alcohol abuse.
§    A member has been ordered to give a urine sample.
§    Administrative discharge process for alcohol or drug abuse has been initiated.
§    A member has entered treatment for drug abuse prior to self-identifying.
·    A unit commander can direct a member to be tested, with concurrence of the Staff Judge Advocate, within 24 hours when one or more of the following has been determined.
§    A member exhibits alcohol or illicit drug use related misconduct.
§    The member’s behavior seems to be drug or alcohol related.
§    Medical personnel notify the commander that the member has or may have an addiction issue.
·    Unit Commander, with concurrence of the Staff Judge Advocate, will ensure Blood Alcohol Tests (BAT) is performed for level and intensity. 
·    The Military Checklist outlines the procedures to follow when a member is suspected of illicit drug use.

o    MRO Positive Result
·    Medical Review Officer (MRO) certifies a positive urinalysis as an illicit drug

Referring Member for a Substance Abuse Assessment

o   Reservist only.
·   When a member is identified, the Unit Commander is responsible to initiate the referral process to the Reserve Medical Unit after reviewing the case with the JAG.
·   Commanders must provide sufficient incentive to encourage members to seek help for problems with alcohol without fear of negative consequences.  Document, in writing, the times the commander or supervisor has encourage the member to seek help.

o   AGR and reservist on active duty greater than 30 days.
·   Commander makes an illicit drug or alcohol referral request to the local SARC/Behavior Health Representative after reviewing the case with the local JAG office.
·    Commanders must provide sufficient incentive to encourage members to seek help for problems with alcohol without fear of negative consequences.  Document, in writing, the times the commander or supervisor has encourage the member to seek help.

Treatment of Military Member

o   Reservist only.
·    Initial evaluation only.
·    Treatment is only monitored by the Reserve Medical Unit.

o   AGR and reservist on active duty greater than 30 days.
·     Activate the Treatment Team (TT)
·    The team is set-up for the purpose of guiding the clinical course of treatment of a member that leads to a full remission and return to full duty, if applicable.
·    Membership consist of:
§    Member’s Unit Commander and/or first sergeant.
§    Member’s immediate supervisor.
§    ADAPT Personnel who chairs the team and determines the clinical course for the member.
§    Certified substance abuse counselor.
§    Medical consultant, if needed.
§    The member unless deemed clinically inappropriate.
§    Any therapist concurrently involved in the case.
§    Flight Surgeon, if member is on flight status.
.·   The TT establishes a treatment plan IAW AFI 44-121, 2.13. and reviews the plan quarterly to ensure treatment of the member is progressing in accordance with the plan.
·    A brief summary of the TT activity will be annotated in the member’s outpatient medical record on an SF 600. The ADAPT will make a treatment decision within 15 duty days from the referral date.  Delays must be documented on the SF 600 in the member’s outpatient medical record.